Friday, April 1, 2016

Mustang or Bust

So hereeeee we gooooooo!
Today I finally received my acceptance-email congratulating me on being chosen as one of the Youth and Yearling participants in the 2016 Virginia Extreme Mustang Makeover. I literally can't even contain myself, I screamed a lot internally, and maybe a tad externally, but today is a crazy, crazy good day.

Now there isn't very much to say in this post, except shaking out the writing cobwebs and kick starting the whole blogging artistic process. Also so I can mark this day down in history as the day I actually chased, caught, and ran away with a dream.

So the main purpose of the blog will to be to document and share the progress that will take place from the beginning, middle, and end of the competition, as well as checking in beyond the competition. I am sure the little stang and I will get into some pretty interesting situations. So stay tuned.

Now all this being said, I will be picking up baby-stang in Tennessee on the 29/30th-ish. One of the two. Details aren't entirely clear as of yet, mostly because I just got the best email ever and then rushed to right this post... sorry not sorry. I have as much clue as a hillbilly on a space station as what I'll be picking up. A baby fire-breathing dragon? A cool cucumber? Maybe a little jester? We'll wait and see.

I think this is one surprise I'm actually pretty excited for. Forget senior week and beaches this summer, this, by far, is the coolest thing I could ever do on my way out of high school. Of course my time will be consumed by not only juggling barn work, lifeguarding and training the baby-stang on a time budget, but I will also be maintaining my riding on my not-mustang gelding Justin (a.k.a the love of my life). My summer is p.a.c.k.e.d.  I will also include J-Dawg in my blog-posts (since he's a big part of the family, and will be baby-stang's 'Older Brother' ;)   )  So prepare yourself for chestnut sass! Justin, and the baby will be at separate stables until the end of the competition, when baby-stang will move to home-base with Justin and I (also two minutes away from my house) where they'll both live until I move off for college. (When they'll probably move with me too!)
 (Unrelated gif is just for kicks)

More blog posts to follow as we prepare, as well as when I get more information, and very very very soon go to pick-up! Maybe I'll actually post pictures of my actual horses instead of these lazy gifs ;)

Till next time!

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