Thursday, April 28, 2016

T minus 1 day Until Pickup

                                                          So many emotions

So lets start this blogging journey with what's about to go down.

The Purpose of the Youth Mustang Makeover, taken from the EMM website:

"The mission of the Mustang Heritage Foundation is to increase the adoption of BLM-housed American Mustangs through innovative gentling (training) competitions and awareness programs. In keeping with this mission, the Youth & Mustang Challenge program has been created to place yearling Mustangs in adoptive homes. These events involve youth (8-17 years of age) in the training and adoption of Mustangs 12-24 months old. Participating youth help promote the adoption of these national treasures by showcasing the Mustang’s value and trainability. The program is also designed to help youth build and improve their horsemanship skills and life skills through competition."

I will be picking up a two year old (rumor has it) Saturday morning that I will have 100 days to train. After that time period we will go to the makeover where we will participate in a Handling and Conditioning class, Leading Trail Class, and a Musical Freestyle. After the competition baby-stang will come back home with me, and will be a permanent member of the family.

Tonight I loaded the trailer with horsie necessities (hay, bedding, water, etc), and the truck with my own (coffee, coffee, coffee...)
The rig awaits (and is a mighty good looking one if I do say so myself)

We will hopefully be leaving between 8-9am tomorrow morning to make the 8-ish hour drive to Knoxville, TN. This will give me plenty of time to pull out my hair wondering what I've gotten myself into, and what on earth I'm about to load into the trailer.

Saturday morning we will drive another half hour from our hotel to the pick-up location, where (hopefully) we can arrive at 7am. Seven is a lucky number, and I can use all the luck that I can get.

I'm hoping to get some cool GoPro video to post of the whole experience, which I will promptly post on all social media accounts.

As soon as I get there, and all appropriate paper work is filled out, I will receive my number. With a corresponding number I will find my horse. A total stranger and new best friend. I will not find out anything about the horse until I lay eyes on him/her. I will not know color, age, sex, personality, where they came from or their favorite flavor of ice cream flavor. It's just going to have to be a big surprise.

Look out for travel updates tomorrow!

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