Wednesday, May 4, 2016

What an Electric Day

Day 4

Kinda literally though.


Today was pretty short, I spent around two hours with Arya instead of the usual 6-7 hours. I also might be writing this blog instead of an essay, but you know...


The day started on a time crunch, and after barn chores I practically ran to the pen. Pony time! We started pretty much where we left off yesterday night, with a good ol' fashioned rub down with the carrot stick (and a little bit with my own hands). We revisited her itchy ear, mane, and chin as well as finding the itchy spot on her tail. Those of you who are friends on Facebook probably saw the cute clip of Arya looking unamused while I used my electric blue carrot stick to touch her all over, but it's pretty stinking cool to start my day with that kind of progress. I cannot figure out how to post videos on the blog, so you'll just have to friend me and follow along there as well.

The whole goal of the day was to expand the area which I am touching, and begin to touch her face. Her face is still a hot spot, so we didn't quite get there today, which is completely okay. We took salt lick breaks in-between sessions.
She loves her Purina Free Balance® 12:12 Vitamin and Mineral Block, and her grain has even started growing on her! Now neither ever beat her hay, but at least they're in the race at this point!

This is kind of where the day's training took a turn.

Not on Arya's side of course, she's perfect.

But I, in all my graceful glory, walked my face right into an electric fence. Not that it was even a powerful one, or a particularly painful experience, but the shock (hehe) kind of killed my work ethic. Nothing like getting a blinding shock to the face to soil someone's good mood.
So, on my time crunch, I made the executive decision that one traumatic experience was good for one day, and spent the rest of our time with lunch. She got some hay, and I ate my sandwich on a next to her. Hopefully tomorrow won't suffer because of the short time period today.
 It amazes me still that in our little sessions I will ask for as little as 20%, and she comes and gives me 100%. I offer my hand she addresses it (again going with the working with her face) I'll retreat and she'll come with me!  I find it very endearing that when I release the pressure, she comes back to me within a second or two. Paying attention to her feet has also been interesting. On lunch break (Day 3) I was reading my Lyons book on how to touch the horse. You get as close as you can with the horse comfortable, but leave right before they do. If the horse walks off it's because they still have doubt in your intentions. I can't vouch for all the methods out there, but that one sure worked for me! It's really cool to have gotten this opportunity to get to work with a mustang so kind and forgiving. Though I might have shaken things up with the whole electrocuted my face freak out, lol. 

This blog wouldn't be complete without me complaining about this stupid weather. It's gross, I'm officially sick of the mud, and it's a miracle no one has wiped out yet. If the sun could just make the appearance for a solid four months that would be great thanks.

Till Tomorrow!

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