Sunday, May 1, 2016

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Day 1

Today started with rain, rain and more rain.  But sweet Arya was smart, and she stayed completely dry by keeping her little Queen self in the run in with her hay. Such a smart girl. 
The rain put a limit on the amount of pressure we could apply today. The ground was saturated and I didn't want to have her ripping around and slipping. So we spent the day mostly hanging around trying to see how close we could on her terms. 
 She's pretty chill. 
 She even tried some grain like a big girl. She wasn't impressed, but she tried! 

Our first session consisted of me hanging around, mostly chatting while Arya ate or rested. When she got uncomfortable she would either walk in or out of her run in, I'd scoot close, and stick around for a few minutes before she'd leave again. I offered her hay, and got within a foot of her before I took a break. It took about three hours of patience, but it flew by like nothing. She is such a cool little horse. 

We took a little break so I could grab some lunch, and then came back with my pizza to hang out in the pen, but a comfortable distance from the Queen.  
On her way over to her water, she came over and sniffed my pizza box. She is so curious and intelligent it's crazy. 

She got her dinner, and I figured the way to her heart. Alfalfa. She took few little nibbles while I was just inches away, so I took it as a win and called it a day. 

She had a few visitors, and continued to maintain her model status making her appearance. She has even followed us to the gate once or twice.

Hopefully tomorrow it'll stay dry and we can get her into the round pen for some more work. 

Ride Strong!


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